993STL DTC Bus Route, Stops & Timings Delhi

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Route 993STL from Indraprastha Depot to Delhi Sachivalaya (Rajghat Power House) Details

Bus Start Stop Indraprastha Depot
Bus End Stop Delhi Sachivalaya (Rajghat Power House)
Total Stops 5

Bus Stops on 993STL Up Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Indraprastha Depot
2 IP Power House (ITO Ring Road)
3 Delhi Sectt
4 Delhi Sachivalaya (Rajghat Power House)
5 Delhi Sachivalaya (Rajghat Power House)

Route 993STL from Delhi Sachivalaya (Rajghat Power House) to Indraprastha Cluster Depot Details

Bus Start Stop Delhi Sachivalaya (Rajghat Power House)
Bus End Stop Indraprastha Cluster Depot
Total Stops 14

Bus Stops on 993STL Down Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Delhi Sachivalaya (Rajghat Power House)
2 Rajghat Gandhi Darshan
3 Gandhi Darshan
4 Indira Gandhi Stadium
5 IP Power House (ITO Ring Road)
6 Indraprastha Depot
7 Pragati Power Station
8 Railway Road Bridge
9 Nizamuddin Road Bridge
10 IP Park / Nizamuddin Road Bridge East
11 Nizamuddin Road Bridge
12 Railway Road Bridge
13 Pragati Power Station
14 Indraprastha Cluster Depot

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