981STL DTC Bus Route, Stops & Timings Delhi

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Route 981STL from Rani Khera Depot 3 to Tikri Border Metro Station Details

Bus Start Stop Rani Khera Depot 3
Bus End Stop Tikri Border Metro Station
Total Stops 12

Bus Stops on 981STL Up Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Rani Khera Depot 3
2 Rani Khera Depot Crossing
3 Mundka Railway Station
4 Friends Enclave Mundka
5 Mundka School (Rani Khera Road)
6 Mile Stone Factory
7 Hiran Kudna Crossing
8 Ghevra Crossing (Neelwal Road)
9 Tikri Piyau / Azad Hind Gram
10 Tikri Hospital
11 Tikri Village
12 Tikri Border Metro Station

Route 981STL from Tikri Border Metro Station to Rani Khera Depot 3 Details

Bus Start Stop Tikri Border Metro Station
Bus End Stop Rani Khera Depot 3
Total Stops 15

Bus Stops on 981STL Down Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Tikri Border Metro Station
2 Tikari Village
3 Tikri Hospital
4 Tikri Piyau / Azad Hind Gram
5 Indian Oil Corporation
6 Ghevra Crossing / Ghevra Metro Station
7 Hiran Kudna Crossing
8 Mile Stone Factory
9 Shiv Shanker Dharam Kata
10 Mundka School
11 Mundka School (Rani Khera Road)
12 Friends Enclave Mundka
13 Mundka Railway Station
14 Rani Khera Depot Crossing
15 Rani Khera Depot 3

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