926E DTC Bus Route, Stops & Timings Delhi

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Route 926E from Nangloi Metro Station to Tikri Border Metro Station Details

Bus Start Stop Nangloi Metro Station
Bus End Stop Tikri Border Metro Station
Total Stops 15

Bus Stops on 926E Up Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Nangloi Metro Station
2 Nangloi JJ Colony Lokesh Cinema
3 Qamruddin Nagar Terminal
4 Rajdhani Park
5 Swarn Park
6 Mundka Village Crossing
7 Mundka Village Metro Station
8 Mile Stone Factory
9 Oil Factory
10 Hiran Kudna Crossing
11 Ghevra Crossing Rohtak Road
12 Tikri Piyau / Azad Hind Gram
13 Tikri Hospital
14 Tikri Village
15 Tikri Border Metro Station

Route 926E from Tikri Border Metro Station to Nangloi Metro Station Details

Bus Start Stop Tikri Border Metro Station
Bus End Stop Nangloi Metro Station
Total Stops 19

Bus Stops on 926E Down Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Tikri Border Metro Station
2 Tikari Village
3 Tikri Hospital
4 Tikri Piyau / Azad Hind Gram
5 Indian Oil Corporation
6 Ghevra Crossing / Ghevra Metro Station
7 Hiran Kudna Crossing
8 Oil Factory
9 Mile Stone Factory
10 Shiv Shanker Dharam Kata
11 Mundka School
12 Mundka Village (Metro Station)
13 Mundka Village
14 Mundka Village Crossing
15 Swarn Park
16 Rajdhani Park
17 Qamruddin Nagar Terminal
18 Nangloi JJ Colony Lokesh Cinema
19 Nangloi Metro Station

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