828STL DTC Bus Route, Stops & Timings Delhi

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Route 828STL from Rewla Khanpur Depot to Galib Pur Village Details

Bus Start Stop Rewla Khanpur Depot
Bus End Stop Galib Pur Village
Total Stops 20

Bus Stops on 828STL Up Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Rewla Khanpur Depot
2 Pandwala Crossing
3 Osho Dhyan Mandir Jhatikra Road
4 Daulat Pur Crossing
5 Shikar Pur Crossing
6 Sarvodya School Daulat Pur
7 Aslatpur Crossing
8 Shikar Pur Village
9 Ghuman Hera Crossing
10 Sub Division Office
11 Ghuman Hera Village
12 Ghuman Hera More / Shikarpur Crossing
13 Ghuman Hera Village Main Road
14 Ghuman Hera DTC Depot Crossing
15 Jhul-Jhuli Check Post / Ghumanhera Crossing
16 Jhuljhuli Crossing
17 Rawta Village
18 Amrawati Piyau Galib Pur Road
19 Galib Pur Piyau
20 Galib Pur Village

Route 828STL from Galib Pur Village to Rewla Khanpur Depot Details

Bus Start Stop Galib Pur Village
Bus End Stop Rewla Khanpur Depot
Total Stops 20

Bus Stops on 828STL Down Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Galib Pur Village
2 Galib Pur Piyau
3 Amrawati Piyau Galib Pur Road
4 Rawta Village
5 Jhuljhuli Crossing
6 Jhul-Jhuli Check Post / Ghumanhera Crossing
7 Ghuman Hera DTC Depot Crossing
8 Ghuman Hera Village Main Road
9 Ghuman Hera More / Shikarpur Crossing
10 Ghuman Hera Village
11 Sub Division Office
12 Ghuman Hera Crossing
13 Shikar Pur Village
14 Aslatpur Crossing
15 Sarvodya School Daulat Pur
16 Shikar Pur Crossing
17 Daulat Pur Crossing
18 Osho Dhyan Mandir Jhatikra Road
19 Pandwala Crossing
20 Rewla Khanpur Depot

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