774LNKSTL DTC Bus Route, Stops & Timings Delhi

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Route 774LNKSTL from Nehru Bus Stand Goyla Dairy to Dichau Kalan Depot Details

Bus Start Stop Nehru Bus Stand Goyla Dairy
Bus End Stop Dichau Kalan Depot
Total Stops 17

Bus Stops on 774LNKSTL Up Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Nehru Bus Stand Goyla Dairy
2 St Thomas School Goyla Vihar
3 Taj Pur More
4 Goyla Village
5 Shyam Vihar
6 Goela Dairy Crossing
7 Deenpur Village
8 Durga Vihar
9 BDO Office
10 Chhawla Stand Najafgarh
11 Police Station Najafgarh
12 Najafgarh Dhansa More
13 Jharoda Crossing
14 Dichau Chowk
15 Udaseen Ashram
16 Nirmal Vihar
17 Dichau Kalan Depot

Route 774LNKSTL from Dichau Kalan Depot to Nehru Bus Stand Goyla Dairy Details

Bus Start Stop Dichau Kalan Depot
Bus End Stop Nehru Bus Stand Goyla Dairy
Total Stops 16

Bus Stops on 774LNKSTL Down Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Dichau Kalan Depot
2 Nirmal Vihar
3 Udaseen Ashram
4 Dichau Chowk
5 Health Centre
6 Najafgarh Delhi Gate
7 Chawla Stand Najafgarh
8 BDO Office
9 Durga Vihar
10 Deenpur Village
11 Goela Dairy Crossing
12 Shyam Vihar
13 Goyla Village
14 Taj Pur More
15 St Thomas School Goyla Vihar
16 Nehru Bus Stand Goyla Dairy

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