47ALNKSTL DTC Bus Route, Stops & Timings Delhi

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Route 47ALNKSTL from Tehkhand Depot DTC to Okhla Depot IV CWS II Details

Bus Start Stop Tehkhand Depot DTC
Bus End Stop Okhla Depot IV CWS II
Total Stops 4

Bus Stops on 47ALNKSTL Up Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Tehkhand Depot DTC
2 ESI Hospital
3 Central Work Shop II
4 Okhla Depot IV CWS II

Route 47ALNKSTL from Okhla Depot IV CWS II to Tehkhand Depot DTC Details

Bus Start Stop Okhla Depot IV CWS II
Bus End Stop Tehkhand Depot DTC
Total Stops 4

Bus Stops on 47ALNKSTL Down Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Okhla Depot IV CWS II
2 Central Workshop II
3 ESI Hospital
4 Tehkhand Depot DTC

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