205LNKSTL DTC Bus Route, Stops & Timings Delhi

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Route 205LNKSTL from Old Delhi Railway Station to Rajghat Depot Details

Bus Start Stop Old Delhi Railway Station
Bus End Stop Rajghat Depot
Total Stops 7

Bus Stops on 205LNKSTL Up Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Old Delhi Railway Station
2 Kouria Bridge
3 Red Fort
4 Jama Masjid
5 Shanti Van Crossing
6 Geeta Colony Pul
7 Rajghat Depot

Route 205LNKSTL from Rajghat Depot to Old Delhi Railway Station (Terminal) Details

Bus Start Stop Rajghat Depot
Bus End Stop Old Delhi Railway Station (Terminal)
Total Stops 5

Bus Stops on 205LNKSTL Down Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Rajghat Depot
2 Jama Masjid
3 Red Fort
4 Kouria Bridge
5 Old Delhi Railway Station (Terminal)

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