203 DTC Bus Route, Stops & Timings Delhi

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Route 203 from Old Delhi Railway Station to Shahdara Terminal Details

Bus Start Stop Old Delhi Railway Station
Bus End Stop Shahdara Terminal
Total Stops 19

Bus Stops on 203 Up Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Old Delhi Railway Station
2 Jama Masjid
3 Kotwali Darya Ganj / ShantiVan
4 Shanti Van Crossing
5 Geeta Colony Road Crossing
6 Geeta Colony
7 SDM Office
8 Geeta Colony
9 Shamshan Ghat Pusta
10 Gandhi Nagar Pusta
11 Kailash Nagar
12 Shastri Park Metro Station
13 Bulland Masjid Shastri Park
14 Dharam Pura
15 Seelampur Metro Station
16 Seelam Pur Petrol Pump
17 Welcome Metro Station
18 Shahdara (Shyam Lal College)
19 Shahdara Terminal

Route 203 from Shahdara Terminal to Old Delhi Railway Station Details

Bus Start Stop Shahdara Terminal
Bus End Stop Old Delhi Railway Station
Total Stops 19

Bus Stops on 203 Down Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Shahdara Terminal
2 Shahdara (Shyam Lal College)
3 Welcome Colony Metro Station
4 Welcome Colony
5 Seelampur Metro Station
6 Dharam Pura
7 Bulland Masjid Shastri Park
8 Shastri Park Metro Station
9 Kailash Nagar
10 Gandhi Nagar Pusta
11 Shamshan Ghat Pusta
12 Geeta Colony
13 SDM Office
14 Geeta Colony Road Crossing
15 Shanti Van Crossing
16 Kotwali Darya Ganj / ShantiVan
17 Jama Masjid
18 Red Fort
19 Old Delhi Railway Station

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