185LNKSTL DTC Bus Route, Stops & Timings Delhi

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Route 185LNKSTL from Old Delhi Railway Station to BBM Cluster Depot Details

Bus Start Stop Old Delhi Railway Station
Bus End Stop BBM Cluster Depot
Total Stops 18

Bus Stops on 185LNKSTL Up Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Old Delhi Railway Station
2 Kouria Bridge
4 Guru Govind Singh University (Kashmere Gate)
5 ISBT Kashmere Gate
6 Nityanand Marg
7 Ludlow Castle
8 Exchange Store / Civil Lines Metro Station
9 IP College
10 Old Secretariat (Postal Account Office)
11 Vidhan Sabha Metro Station
12 Khyber Pass
13 Mall Road
14 Vishwa Vidyalaya Metro Station
15 INS Hostel
16 GTB Nagar / Haqiqat Nagar
17 Sewa Kutir
18 BBM Cluster Depot

Route 185LNKSTL from BBM Cluster Depot to Old Delhi Railway Station Details

Bus Start Stop BBM Cluster Depot
Bus End Stop Old Delhi Railway Station
Total Stops 17

Bus Stops on 185LNKSTL Down Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 BBM Cluster Depot
2 Sewa Kutir
3 GTB Nagar / Haqiqat Nagar
4 INS Hostel
5 Vishwa Vidyalaya Metro Station
6 Mall Road
7 Khyber Pass
8 Vidhan Sabha Metro Station
9 Old Secretariat (Postal Account Office)
10 IP College
11 Exchange Store / Civil Lines Metro Station
12 Ludlow Castle
13 ISBT Kashmere Gate (Lothian Road)
14 Guru Govind Singh University (Kashmere Gate)
15 GPO
16 Kouria Bridge
17 Old Delhi Railway Station

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