79 CTU Bus Route, Stops & Timings Chandigarh

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Route 79 from PGI to Chhatbir Zoo Details

Bus Start Stop PGI
Bus End Stop Chhatbir Zoo
First Bus Time 07.15 AM
Last Bus Time 18.15 hrs
Total Stops 15
Bus Frequency 45 Mins
Route Distance 27.9 Km

Bus Stops on 79 Up Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
3 10/16
4 ISBT-17
5 Aroma
6 21
7 20 Mkt
8 20/30
9 32 Hospital
10 Tribune Chowk
11 Halo Majra
12 Airport
13 Zirakpur
14 Dayalpura
15 Chhatbir Zoo

Route 79 from Chhatbir Zoo to PGI Details

Bus Start Stop Chhatbir Zoo
Bus End Stop PGI
First Bus Time 07.15 AM
Last Bus Time 18.15 hrs
Total Stops 15
Bus Frequency 45 Mins
Route Distance 27.9 Km

Bus Stops on 79 Down Route

Stop Number Bus Stop Name
1 Chhatbir Zoo
2 Dayalpura
3 Zirakpur
4 Airport
5 Halo Majra
6 Tribune Chowk
7 32 Hospital
8 20/30
9 20 Mkt
10 21
11 Aroma
12 ISBT-17
13 10/16
14 OPD
15 PGI

Other CTU Bus Routes

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